A Typical Day in the Life of a Volunteer Sand Lake Ambulance Driver

EMS-Strong-LogoAt 2 a.m., your pager goes off. You fumble to silence it, thinking “How can such a small thing make so much noise?” You jump out of bed, fumble for the phone and groggily call dispatch. A crisp voice answers “Communications – what’s your emergency?”,  to which you reply “This is Sand Lake Ambulance, Driver #XX, en route to the station”.  The adrenaline pumping through your body, you hurriedly put on your waiting uniform and head for the station. The call is a Delta (high priority), and your crew is waiting in the ambulance. You jump in, buckle up, check your mirrors, and pull out. After looking both ways you hit the lights and sirens, call dispatch to confirm enroute to scene and give thanks for GPS. Upon arrival, you call dispatch to let them know you’re at your destination. As your crew exits, you take a deep breath to find your calm. While the EMTs and Paramedics do their thing, you bring the stretcher and any other supplies needed. After helping load the patient into the ambulance you radio dispatch of your destination and proceed to the hospital. Upon arrival, you open the back door of the ambulance to a smiling crew – all is well. The patient is transferred to the Emergency Room, and the stretcher is cleaned and made ready for your next call. No call is ever the same, but at the end of the day you feel good knowing you’re doing your part to help your community.

Can you see yourself in this scenario?

If so call (518) 674-2221 ext 1 or visit our website. https://sandlakeambulance.org/join/

* May 20 – 26 is National EMS Week 2018 *

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