Thank You Trustco Bank
We were extremely grateful to Trustco Bank for catering lunch for the whole station. We were extremely grateful to Trustco Bank for catering lunch for the whole station. … [Read More...]

New Generator
We thank Tremont Lumber for getting us a great price on our new generator and Bonded Concrete for helping so much with the installation.We thank Tremont Lumber for getting us a great price on our new generator and Bonded Concrete for helping so much with the installation. … [Read More...]

Join a Winning Team!
Free EMT & Emergency Vehicle Operator training provided! [ninja_forms_display_form id=2] Call 518.674.2221 ext 1, or fill out this form for a follow up. Application & Process Download our Membership Application (PDF File) Process: Complete our application, download our bylaws and stop by our meeting the 1st Wednesday of each month 7pm to present your application during the meeting. Download our bylaws (PDF … [Read More...]

A Typical Day in the Life of a Volunteer Sand Lake Ambulance Driver
At 2 a.m., your pager goes off. You fumble to silence it, thinking “How can such a small thing make so much noise?” You jump out of bed, fumble for the phone and groggily call dispatch. A crisp voice answers “Communications - what’s your emergency?”, to which you reply “This is Sand Lake Ambulance, Driver #XX, en route to the station”. The adrenaline pumping through your body, you hurriedly put on your waiting uniform and head for the station. The call is a Delta (high priority), and your crew … [Read More...]

Setting the Facts Straight – Poestenkill
Poestenkill Town Board Abandons their Town Residents -- They’re not Blacklisted In a recent inflammatory and accusatory Letter to the Editor published by the Advertiser July 1, 2015 written by Poestenkill board member, David Hass, he inaccurately blames the Sand Lake Ambulance for “blacklisting” Poestenkill and not caring about children or pregnant women. The fact is that the same Poestenkill board member, other board members and the town supervisor voted to dissolve their town … [Read More...]